Sunday, July 19, 2015
C4Ta#4 The Fischbowl
My C4Ta#4 was on Karl Fisch's blog, The Fischbowl.
SUMMARY. The first post of his that I will go over is: Idea #2: Eliminate Curriculum (As We Know It). In this post, Fisch says educators have spent a great deal of their lives engrossed in schools that have been set by the curriculum. Over the years in systematic, common educational framework, the school system and educators have made basic inferences about how school is supposed to be. A standardized curriculum is not mandatory for a school to work well. Fisch says, "When we create and "deliver" a pre-defined curriculum to our students, we are robbing them of the essence of what it means to learn." Here is the list Fisch has made of assumptions about curriculum in the school system:
-The first assumption is that we know what is essential to be "educated." We don't.
-The second assumption is that we know what is essential to be "successful" (which we really need to define) in the future. We don't.
-The third assumption is that the future is going to be very similar to the past and present. It won't be.
-The fourth assumption is that the only way to prepare students for their future is to have them learn a pre-determined, fixed set of knowledge and skills, in a certain order, at the same time, and within a certain time frame. I remember Will Richardson referring to in a presentation a long time ago as "just in case" education. But today's world - and so much of what we know about learning - requires a more "just in time" approach.
-The fifth assumption is that all students need to know the same things, at the same level, and at the same age. They don't.
- The sixth assumption is that, even if you agree with the previous five assumptions, our system as it is currently constructed is well-designed to accomplish those things. It isn't, and it doesn't.
To get out of the curriculum rut, Fisch says classes should drastically change for juniors and seniors in high school, and that the one size fits all process needs to be disposed of. Classes need to become more personalized so students can become master learners and so they have the ability to go after their passions. This takes a series of unique teaching approaches, making the one size fits all curriculum useless and outdated. Fisch also says the process of learning shouldn't e to make a students "college and career ready", but to make them ready to learn for life. He also goes on to talk about what it means to be a "teacher" in 2015. Teachers aren't there to teach subjects, they are there to teach students.
COMMENT. I absolutely loved when you said teachers aren't there to teach subjects, they are there to teach students. Teachers tend to put so much emphasis on teaching students a subject, then sending them off to the next class to learn another! The curriculum needs to go. When students follow day by day, step by step instructions over and over, they have no drive or interest to learn anything!
SUMMARY. The second post of his that I will go over is: Idea #1: Eliminate Letter Grades, GPA and Class Rank. Fisch says that he does not like the phrase, "taking it to the next level". This suggests that there is a stage that works equitably for all students, a one-size-fits-all path that is the correct method to meet the needs of every student. Fisch believes the assessment/reporting system needs an update, saying, "When we have an assessment and reporting system for learning that undermines the learning, the reporting system is fatally flawed and needs to change." Letter Grades, GPA and Class Rank don't define the student. Grades is the biggest problem with the system currently in place, especially letter grades. When grades become that important, students become more obsessed with getting a good grade at the end of the year, rather than continuing learning. Teachers hate when students ask for more points for a better grade, but need to realize they are responsible for the grading system. Fisch says," If we value learning, if we value growth, if we value effort, then letter grades must go." Class ranking only helps the top 10 to 20 students. For all the other students, class rank is pointless and could hurt their college admissions process. Class ran is an injustice to students. So if letter grades don't work how should teachers determine how well students are learning? One way is to provide continuous, relevant feedback for students first, and then focus on reports to document that feedback second. Feedback for students is only works if it's actionable. The best way "report" out student learning is with narrative reports. The report needs to be useful and specific for each student. Instead of letter grades, Fisch recommends these three designations: Progressing, Partially Progressing, Not Adequately Progressing (yet). To paraphrase President Kennedy, "We choose to do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Because it is what's necessary to truly meet the needs of our students, to provide them the education they deserve and that we have promised them. It is a challenge we are no longer willing to postpone, but one that we willingly accept."
COMMENT. I've always thought that letter grades hurt students and affect the college admissions process more than any good they do! Students can't be defined by a letter grade or a class rank, students need to be focused more own their own progression in learning. When students become so focused on a letter grade to get an exact GPA, teachers have failed to properly do their job.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Blog Post 5 Part 2
One of the first blogs we wrote this semester was on PLN's. When I wrote the first part to blog post 5, I listed some PLN's I often used, such as: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Drive, Skype, and Instagram. At this time, I used those websites for entertainment, to keep in touch with friends, to keep up on current events, etc. Now at the end of our semester, I see how these websites can be so much more than just entertainment. Dr. Strange defines PLN's as "...those people, places, organizations and activities which enable you to learn." These websites can help educators to stay connected, to find teaching resources, to find new ideas for the classroom, and to improve our own teaching methods. As EDM 310 comes to a close, I'm glad I've discovered these other sides to these popular websites, and how I can use them in my PLN network.
Blog Post 14 - Teaching Can Be a Profession by Joel Klein
Teaching Can Be a Profession by Joel Klein lists the three changes needed to professionalize teaching. Doing this will make teachers more successful and make teachers command greater public trust.
The first is giving better academic training for prospective teachers. A lot needs to be completed to expand the amount of teachers adequately prepared to teach in the commonplace classroom. Klein says that teachers need better, solid preparation. The second is recruiting teachers. Klein says America should pick the top 3rd of its graduates. We don't need to let anyone with a college degree become a teacher. The third is rewarding teachers. Teachers need to build a board to review their profession.
I agree with everything Klein says. The school system already has enough teachers who do the minimum amount of work, with the minimum amount of interaction with students. The school system needs teachers who interact, who are prepared to teach and learn, and who have proper training in the first place.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Blog Post 13 -What Did I Leave Out?
My area of specialty is history. I am going to list websites that are helpful SPECIFICALLY to history teachers and to students studying history!
BBC History has a history section that offers a notable collection of exhibitions, activities, games, photo galleries and other resources. Main categories include: British History, Ancient History, Archaeology, Church and State, Science and Discovery, Society and Conflict, War and Culture, and Family History. There are furthermore sections entitled Multimedia Room, Historic Figures, Timelines, Programmes, Reading Room, Talk History, For Kids, and History Trails.
National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) offers support for social studies educators. Links are categorized by themes of the Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. Teachers share classroom experiences at the site and on the NCSS listserv. The mission of National Council for the Social Studies is to provide leadership, service, and support for all social studies educators. NCSS serves as an umbrella organization for elementary, secondary, and college teachers of history, civics, geography, economics, political science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and law-related education. Organized into a network of more than 110 affiliated state, local, and regional councils and associated groups, the NCSS membership represents K-12 classroom teachers, college and university faculty members, curriculum designers and specialists, social studies supervisors, and leaders in the various disciplines that constitute the social studies.
The Smithsonian Education site is divided simply into three main categories: Educators, Families, and Students. The Educators section is keyword searchable and features lesson plans — many pertaining to history. The Students section features an interactive “Secrets of the Smithsonian” that teaches about the special collections at the Smithsonian. It provides extensive digital access to Smithsonian collections, programs, and learning resources.
The HistoryNewsNetwork features articles by historians on both the left and the right who provide historical perspective on current events. HNN exists to provide historians and other experts a national forum in which to educate Americans about important and timely issues, and the only web site on the Internet wholly devoted to this task . Their mission is to help put current events into historical perspective. Each week HNN features up to a dozen fresh op eds by prominent historians. Their website is open to people of all political persuasions. Left, right, center: all are welcome.
Students Friend is a non-profit, teacher-to-teacher site is a guide for high school teachers of world history and geography, although much of the content is suitable for teachers of other social studies subjects as well. Content includes fundamental information about history teaching, resources, a concise alternative textbook and lesson plans. Student's Friend has been cited by the Library of Congress as a "as a rich site with articles, lessons, and other teaching aids," and it has been recognized as one of the top ten history sites for teachers by the Stanford University School of Education.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
My C4T#3 was on Angela Maiers blog.
SUMMARY:Her first post that I am writing on is, "What Went Right Today? Let’s Write Our Own Narrative. #BreaktheCode". Maiers says the U.S. education system is very negative and tends to focus on everything that is going wrong, instead of anything that is going right. Society like news stories that get them mad and worked up over an issue. She says the main reason for the negative aim of many tales about U.S. education is the hesitation of teachers to boast about all the successes that are occurring in the classroom. If teachers won't boast about themselves, they should boast about their schools successes, their students, and their colleagues. At the end of every school day ask yourself, “What Went Right Today?”, and when you find that answer, share it with everyone.
COMMENT: I love this post! Negativity weighs down students and teachers alike. Teachers should come to school excited to teach and learn, and expectant that their day in the classroom will have been fruitful for the students! I'm glad this post was recommended to me in my EDM 310 class at USA!
SUMMARY: Another post of hers that I am writing on is, "Let’s Close the Passion Gap". Passion is not a word often brought up when it comes to education. One is more likely to hear words like standardized, common core, assessment, etc. Maiers says, "There is a passion gap in education, and students are disappearing into it, and drowning in ennui." 88% of Americans cannot contribute their full potential because they do not have a passion for their job. Passion is key in the real, working world. Passion is the genius of all geniuses. Passion driven workers are fiercely innovative, endlessly creative, and confidently unstoppable.
COMMENT: Teachers should be passionate about their subject field and for their students to learn the material. If a teacher is not passionate about a subject being taught, the student will not be passionate about learning it. Passion is more than emotion, it's yearning for more information!
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Blog Post 11 What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?
In Brian Crosby's video,"Back to the Future", Crosby talks about the setbacks of a narrow curriculum. He says that it is hard to imagine what could be, if you don't know anything about what is. Because of this, students have nothing to build creativity off of, leading to no passion. He goes on to show many of the projects his students have done, and how it has positively affected them with motivational context. Students need opportunities to build schema for the real world.
In the video,"Blended Learning Cycle", Paul Anderson discusses the use of the blended learning cycle in his science classroom. Blended learning is taking the compelling parts of online, mobile, and classroom learning, and blending them together, then taking the learning cycle (engage, explore, explain, expand, evaluate) and combining it with blended learning, producing the blended learning cycle. This cycle moves through the following steps: Question, Investigation/Inquiry, Video, Elaboration, Review, and Summary quiz(QIVERS). He says that the blended learning cycle makes him feel more involved in the classroom.
In the video,"Making Thinking Visible", Dr. Ron Ritchhart talks about documenting students thinking to use as a model for other students and teachers to learn from. This helps in showing the progress of ideas and in evaluating students thinking process. Visible means written, recorded, documented, etc.
In the video,"Sam Pane 4th Grade", Sam Pane teaches his students to become super digital citizens. A super digital citizen is a person who chooses to act safely, respectfully, and responsibly online. He lets his students build their own superhero digital citizens and puts them in real world situations online to inspire them to act responsibly while on the internet, he says this gives his a students a greater sense of ownership. One student said he felt inspired by his classmates superhero to react safely online. Pane says students will be exposed to choices online and he wants to prepare them to make smart choices.
In the video,"Project Based Learning", three teachers talk about how they restructured their classroom to incorporate project based learning (PBL) to create a unique learning experience for students. The teachers realized that when the students were given more time for their projects, they were able to go back to improve and enhance. Students feel an ownership of the project and do better when they are able to go deeper and when they are given more time.
In the video,"Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program", PBL is broken down into its basic parts and definitions. PBL (project based learning) is in depth learning, integrated thematic instruction, based on a real world problem, research based, and deals with project and presentation. PBL incorporates real world problem solving skills in the classroom, students learn how to think for themselves.The application of the students knowledge is apparent when PBL is applied. PBL encourages public speaking at a young age, reducing fear in future classes. Through PBL, students have their own choices and options, which gives them a sense of ownership, pride, and power. Students also learn to work in groups, cooperate, and collaborate with fellow students. PBL combines so many educational and learning styles. Students become engaged and have background knowledge when working with PBL. Teachers and parents agree that PBL has done so much for the children and improved their learning/cooperating/applying skills tremendously
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Special Blog Assignment
For our special blog assignment, we are to choose from Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs' 68 resources on Curriculum21, find 6 that are particularly interesting to us or that could benefit us as teachers, and write about them.
Museum Box allows students to build up an argument or description of an event, person, or historical period by placing items in a virtual box. You can display anything from a text file to a movie. You can also view the museum boxes submitted by other people and comment on the contents. Museum Box provides tools for collecting and presenting digital versions of primary sources. Students can use Museum Box to collect sources about historical eras, events, biographies, inventions, regions, fashions—in short about anything that can be digitally documented. For students who need help with organizing their ideas, Museum Box imposes proper structure. I like this website because I will be a history teacher, and I think this is a great way for students and teachers to categorize history for projects without becoming overwhelmed.
270 To Win is a history of the electoral college that will engage students in both individual states and national trends right now and in past elections. Statistics and probabilities can be tracked, and this website offers an interactive map of the electoral college. You can review interactive maps for recent presidential elections and find out how battles in the Senate and House played out. There's a blog, some quizzes, and an election simulator that's connected to the most recent presidential election. Kids who already have a pretty clear understanding of how this system works will benefit from the site, but there's not a ton of explanation or kid-oriented details about the election process. This is a great site for history, government, and math teachers. This website is important because students can understand politics and understand what is going on during elections.
World Library (WDL) is a Global library of primary resources. The WDL makes it possible to discover, study, and enjoy cultural treasures and significant historical documents on one site, in a variety of ways. Content includes: books, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, journals, prints, photographs, sound recordings, and films. WDL items can be browsed by place, time, topic, type of item, language, and contributing institution. The search feature can be used to search all of the metadata and descriptions and the full text of printed books on the site. Other features include advanced image-viewing, timelines, interactive maps, and in-depth thematic sections on selected topics.
Pinterest is a great tool for students and teachers to share, to organize, and to focus communication through photos and downloads. This website is a GREAT way to share ideas and to collaborate. Pinterest is a place to discover ideas for all your projects and interests, hand-picked by people like you. You can create several boards, pin anything you want on any board, organize those pins, share your pins and boards with fellow pinners, and discover EVEN MORE pins! I use Pinterest DAILY! Hands down one of my favorite websites EVER!
TEDEd allows educators to create and share lessons built around YouTube videos. With fantastic animations, TED-Ed can take even sometimes-boring subjects and transform them into wildly engaging content. You can use TED-Ed's videos and lessons to supplement almost any subject. And while it may take a bit of searching, it'll be worth it. The content is remarkable, and comes from some of the world's best minds. It has an extensive library of lessons where carefully curated educational videos are available. The platform allows users to easily create customized lessons around educational videos. One of the most powerful features that TED-Ed offers is the ability to track and measure various forms of engagement within each TED-Ed lesson over time. Students are likely to engage with it right away. I would love to use this as a teacher to aid me in setting up lesson plans!
Remind 101 is a free, safe, easy-to-use communication tool for teachers to text students and stay in touch with parents. Teachers can instantly message their entire class. Students receive it as a text message, email, or push notification on the app. Phone numbers are always kept private so information is safe and secure. Teachers never see students’ phone numbers, and students never see theirs. Teachers, students, and parents have easy access to their message history, and can also use our reporting tools to flag conversations. Teachers save time by sending or scheduling announcements directly to students’ and parents’ phones. Remind allows you to send a message or question, watch as students and parents respond with Stamps, and summarizes feedback in a snap! I would utilize this as a teacher to be able to reach my students quickly with important information!
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